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Muslimah Magic


Stay connected with your sisters worldwide


FREE download - $1 per month to access

Muslimah Magic shares the latest news in music, entertainment, sports, health, politics, food, design, fashion, business and philanthropy on Muslim women and girls worldwide. Muslimah Magic is a news and networking hub for Muslim women around the world. This app includes a discussion board, a networking board, multilingual Quran where you can read the Quran in over 40 languages and our monthly "Muslimah of the Month" feature. Discover new Muslim female artists, designers, politicians, athletes, humanitarians, inventors, models, health care professionals, entrepreneurs and businesses owned by Muslim women, and network and chat with like-minded Muslim women professionals worldwide.

* Available for iPhone and Android in the App store and Google Play store


App developer and logo design:

Jehan Muhammad

Released: June 27, 2020

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